An ordinary blog about the very extra-ordinary lives of the wonderful, funny, sometimes scary, magical inhabitants of the world inside my wardrobe.

All about My like's and dislikes, about my fashion course, my fashion label and the funny little group of people that are my family

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Welcome one and all

To whom whoever find this...
welcome to the wonderfully magical world of my life...

I loved to write. Poems, songs, plays, long long, very long stories. But I've never been very strong in my English studies. And thanks to some wonderful, beautiful lady's whom became my saviors last year in school I learned that anythings possible... Even for a girl who still struggles to read and spell correctly.

So after years of being told i couldn't spell, or read fast enough, or write a report, essay, or even a short story...I was told, I could write...

“Potential is nothing if it’s wasted and talent is nothing unless it’s developed.
Ultimately, nobody can tell you how to direct, nobody can tell you how to write. They can show by example, they can lead by inspiration, they can encourage you but ultimately it comes down to you… Relying on your instincts is the only way you ever got about it.”
Frank Darabont

Thanks to a perfect old friend, whom I thank the lord for everyday, I realized that I may not be technical or systematic but when write, what i write, is full of heart.
I'm not able to write 10 pages on effects of WWII & relate it back to a period play and explain the effects such things have on the economics of the time the play was set....
But I know the information, I know it all like the back of my own hand...I understand and can relate to the characters, know about the fashion, the war itself, the people in power and the people that suffered, I could put myself in a characters shoes and give it heart, life, as if it was my own to live.

I guess what I'm saying is that, if you'd be my audience, I'd like to share a little part of my world. 
          Miss Samii

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